Please read this RULES / TERMS OF SERVICE before ordering.
If you do not agree with any of the listed points, please do not order.
I will need your Email-Address to send you the finished artwork, so you may provide that
We will both respect our privacy and hold any information revealed to ourselves
Only order If you are sure that you can pay
Do not rush me, please be patient
The waiting time varies from three days up to ten days
No refunds after the picture is made
I will contact you If I have any questions via Email or Inbox
None of the images are going to be sold without text
I have the right to decline your request anytime [low quality, shadows, not all required data, ...]
Do not send the payment until I tell you to may send it within twenty-four hours
If you did not pay in the said time window I have the right to sell the finished Image as a PREMADE
If you keep me waiting in any way possible, for example not answering my Emails within thirty hours, I have the right to decline your request
Do not resell
Do not edit afterwards
Do not claim it as your own work
Do nor recreate any of my artworks
Do not use any of my images in public without my permission [If I tagged you on INSTAGRAM it is OK]
Do not steal my art
If you break any of this rules listed, I will decline your order immediately.
You will not be able to order from me again.